Simple Service Together on April 28th

Simple Service Together on April 28th

Join us after the April 28th worship service for Simple Service Together. We will be putting diaper kits together for Solidarity Sandy Springs!  
Reusable Bags for Solidarity Sandy Springs

Reusable Bags for Solidarity Sandy Springs

Solidarity Sandy Springs spends $17,000 per year on grocery bags. Northminster’s Mission Team thought that we could try and collect reusable bags/totes to help them lower that expense. We are asking for sturdy, reusable bags, due to the weight of the groceries....
Volunteer with us at Solidarity Sandy Springs

Volunteer with us at Solidarity Sandy Springs

  The Solidarity Sandy Springs food pantry opened early in the pandemic with just a few families and is more like a free grocery store.  Families to “shop” for the necessary groceries in a dignified, grace filled setting 3 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, and...