Join a Team

There are a number of ways you may become involved in the life of the church. You can get involved at any age level and at any activity level. The opportunities are boundless.

NPC has ten committees which oversee the church’s business and ministries: Business and Facilities Management; Communication and Technology; Congregational Care; Fellowship; Membership; Mission; Outreach; Spiritual Growth; Worship; and Youth.

Business and Facilities Management Committee (BFMC)

The BFMC Committee handles the financial health of the church, as well as care and well-being of the physical building. The Personnel Committee, which oversees policy and personnel maintenance, is a subcommittee of this group. BFMC is restarting the Stewardship Committee in Fall 2023.

Team Chairs: Michelle Doiron and Barry Ussery

Communications and Technology Committee (CTC)

The Communications and Technology Committee (CTC) was established to enhance the quality and the integrity of our communications through all sources and to keep abreast with the technological world we live in. Our goals are to:

  • Develop and maintain the NPC Website.
  • Oversee the purchase, the use, and the repair of all technology at NPC.
  • Maintain the NPC archive.
  • Oversee all virtual and live-streaming worship services. Volunteers are needed, and training on our equipment is provided and is easy and fun.
  • Operate the sanctuary soundboard and ensure that the microphones are working properly and are placed appropriately. Hearing assistance is available upon request.
  • Ensure that all NPC publications are of high quality and in similar format by developing and adhering to guidelines and standards.
  • Coordinate the efforts of the NPC community’s communications to provide a cohesive story without a duplication of sources.

CTC continues to evolve as we grow in experience, but our focus is to communicate the Northminster story and the love of Jesus Christ to our congregation and community.

Team Chair: Stewart Hackler

Congregational Care Team

The Congregational Care Team is dedicated to serving our congregation. This committed group provides messages of care and encouragement, meals, and other means of support for those in the NPC congregation who are experiencing physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges and other life-issues.

Team Chair: Kathy Brown

Fellowship Team

The Fellowship Team is the social connection for the congregation. Its goal is to provide every member with the opportunity to engage in a NPC social function at least once a month.

This team strives to provide a broad range of events for the membership from after-church coffee socials to baseball games to dining with friends. The Committee is always looking for energetic, friendly people to join and bring new, fun ideas.

Team Chairs: Lad Dalburg

Membership Team

The Membership Committee leads the congregation in extending hospitality to all who visit our church family. Included in this responsibility is the scheduling of Greeters to welcome visitors and members as they enter the church for worship. The Committee also coordinates New Member and Inquirer Classes, delivers pound cakes to first time visitors, and helps with maintaining and updating church brochures. The Committee works with the staff to maintain the membership rolls to ensure that the rolls adequately reflect the church membership.

Team Chair: Wayne Edwards

Mission Team

We have a spot for you! The NPC Mission Team supports a number of activities locally, nationally, and internationally. You are welcome to join us for one, several, or all of our activities. You do not have to be “in charge,” unless you’d like to be. Come step out of your comfort zone and enjoy some fun and laughter while you work with us. You may change your own life, and you will definitely change the lives of others. You will love it, we promise!!!

Most of our activities are “kid-friendly.” What better way to introduce your child to their church family and to God’s world of helping others?

Contact Mission Team Chair Jen Clifton using the button at the top of this page for more information and the date of the next Mission Team monthly gathering. We’d love to see you there!

Outreach Team

The Outreach Team creates a presence for NPC ministries in the community, seeks ways to let people know who we are and the gifts this congregation is willing to share with those around us. We are involved with the annual Live Nativity, Trunk or Treat, the Easter Egg Hunt, and other community-based activities.

Team Contact: Suzanne Holton

Spiritual Growth Team

The Spiritual Growth Team’s mission is as follows: Responding to God’s love and grace, our mission is to provide opportunities in which our faith is awakened, supported, rekindled, nurtured, and challenged. We are committed to fostering vibrant connections between faith and life for our NPC community and for those whose lives we touch- through creative and energetic Christian education experiences.

This Committee oversees many programs: Children’s Programs including Sunday School and Worship & Wonder, Vacation Bible School, Nursery, Adult Sunday School, Intergenerational Special Events like Advent & Lent Workshops, and supporting Northminster Day School.

Team Chair: Thomas Vandervort

Worship Team

The Worship Committee is hard at work coordinating a large number of activities, but we can not do it without your help. There are many ways that you can help and get involved in the life of Northminster.

  • Music – NPC’s music program puts into practice musical techniques while contributing to the worship service.
  • Ushers – Do you like meeting and talking with people? Being an usher gives you the opportunity to know visitors and your fellow members.
  • Liturgists – Liturgists assist in leading worship by doing one of the components of the Worship service.
  • Communion – Communion, one of the sacraments of the church, is served the first Sunday of each month and on Christmas Eve (11:30 pm service), Easter, and Maundy Thursday.
  • Wedding Guild – Our sanctuary is a sacred space that invokes the blessing and love of the Holy Spirit. A marriage ceremony, as a service of worship, will be conducted in a place that gives testimony to the commitment and love of the members of Northminster, to their relationship to God and the community of Christians we call the Church. Please feel free to contact us if you wish to be a part of this service.
  • Special Events & Holidays – During the Advent and Lenten season, there is opportunity to help with the seasonal decorations and traditions. In addition, there are special services that provide opportunities for involvement.

Team Chairs: Lisa Sills

Youth Team

The Youth Team consists of adults and high school youth who plan the Youth Group activities. They, with the Director of Youth and Young Adults, select the materials that will be used in the Youth Groups and in the Confirmation class.

Team Chair: Stacy Bowers